Cookie Policy

1. Data management

We inform you that the website is run by

Szabó Gábor László E.V.

Registration number: 51952149  

Tax number: 68581259-2-33

Headquarters: Hungary, 2623 Kismaros, Sólyom utca 6.

Place of establishment: Hungary, 2623 Kismaros, Sólyom utca 6.

Place of business: Hungary, 2623 Kismaros, Sólyom utca 6.


(Controller hereafter).

You are being informed that in order to improve the quality of its services and also to facilitate the usage of present website (hereafter: website) it uses ‘cookies’, with a Hungarian word ‘sütik’. Reading about cookies in general and about data management provided by cookies used by present website is possible below.

  1. Cookies in general

2.1. What are cookies?

A cookie is such a group of data (alphanumerical information packet with changing content) that is sent to your device by the server of the website you are visiting. Cookies are stored in the browser programme of your computer, telephone or tablet, which can be read later by sending server. Cookies cannot be read by other websites, only the one that has placed them. Cookies inform us about the way visitors use our website. Cookies are meant to be used for administrative goals by Controller, to measure how many visitors enter the website and to make process of browsing easier by memorizing sites that were opened within website earlier.

No cookies contain personal information that could enable anyone to reach You through e-mail, telephone or post. Cookies themselves are not able to identify users, can only identify users’ devices. In case You do not want to accept usage of cookies on the website You can set the browser You are using to send You a message about or to prevent placing them.


2.2. How can you regulate the operation of cookies?

We place cookies on devices (computer, telephone or tablet) You are using during your visit on our website. We inform You about this at the beginning of browsing our website, when the main page is loading, in a pop-up window.

Your approval does not have to be asked to implement cookies on your device which are necessary to ensure the functions and comfortable usage of our website. Anonymous visit analysis does not entail any data management of personal data so authorization is not necessary for that. As we do not use cookies or any other means for any other purpose we have to fulfill only the obligation of providing information towards You.

Apart from the above mentioned setting option provided by us You can decide to ban and delete them any time in the settings of your browsing programme. However, we inform You that without using cookies, You will not be able to reach several functions which make browsing easier, even some of our services will probably not function properly.

2.3. Handling settings of cookies in browsers

You can modify your setting of cookies through a pop-up window or your browser. You can ban the use of cookies by activating a setting in your browser which enables refusing all or certain cookies. These settings can usually be reached at the ”Settings” or ”Preferences” menu of your browser. You can get more information by using these references.



Internet Explorer: visit and write the word ‘cookies’ into the browser.

Safari: visit and write the word ‘cookies’ into the browser.


2.4. Types of cookies

Cookies can be session cookies appearing during work process, or persistent cookies. We also make difference between internal (comes from the first party) and external (comes from a third party) cookies. You can read about them bellow in order to understand cookies we use and why we use them.

2.5. Cookies valid during work process

Cookies appearing during work process make it possible for us to recognize You while visiting our website, so browser can memorize every site change or choice made from site to site during browsing inside the website. These cookies enable You to progress through and backwards various pages of a website fast and smoothly, without having to identify yourself at every page, or having to repeat processes (e.g. filling in a form). After finishing browsing a website, or closing a browser, cookies are automatically erased from your device.

2.6. Permanent cookies

Permanent cookies stay „permanent” on your computer for a certain period of time (days, weeks, months or years) after finishing browsing process, so they can help to recall preferences or activities of users when visiting a website later as well. Until the end of expiry of validity period, saved cookies are stored on your device, however, You can delete them before determined deadlines.

2.7. Cookies coming from the operator of our website

These cookies come from the server of website being surfed. In this case, we are talking about functional cookies - and cookies that make usage comfortable - that are coming from the server storing website operated by Controller. We gave a description and details of functioning of them above. They remember IP address of your device, pages visited during browsing.

Thus You can avoid repeating processes – when opening a new website or returning to a website – through opening the same pages, or – based on your decision – You do not need to identify yourself or log in again and again.

These cookies are so-called work process cookies valid during browsing time. This means when somebody starts surfing the website, cookies are activated, and are valid until maximum of 15 minutes after the last activity, or are deleted when logging out.

An exception is a cookie that remembers – according to your decision - your log in data on your device.

2.8. Cookies coming from a third party

Cookies from a third party do not come from Controller or server that stores the website. These cookies are stored by Your computer, telephone or tablet as well during Your visit as follows:

2.8.1. Google cookies

Files of Google Analytics© are used to monitor sites and collect information about the use of websites (number of visitors, visited sites, visitors’ place of living, what other websites visitors have entered before, which browser they use, which operation system they use, which internet service they use, parameters of monitor visitors use, time of entering to the website and time of leaving it). We use these pieces of information to create statistics and improve our website.

Collecting data does not happen on a way that would make possible to identify your device used for browsing which means we cannot identify you on the base of your websurfing activities. We do not handle personal data during visit analysis.

These pieces of data are also available for Google Ireland Ltd. (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland), owner and operator of Google Analytics. For further information please visit the following websites:

Google Analytics© cookies are so-called persistent cookies, they are stored for maximum of two years, however, actual periods vary between 2 hours and six months, depending on type of cookies.

For further information about cookies - including viewing, handling and deleting cookies that have been placed - please visit In order to ban all tracking on any sites, please visit

Cookies like these operate only with your permission and on a way that your device is being identifies during collecting data as well.

2.8.2. Information technology data management implemented by iSenseLabs

Cookies used by iSenseLabs analysis the behavioral of Users on the website while visiting that.

About data management performed by iSenseLabs and about further circumstances of data management - among others its plea, purpose, precise scope of handled data, period of data management- User can get more information on the website

These cookies operate on the website only in case of Your approval.

  1. Data management implemented by log files and cookies applied on our website

3.1. Concerned parties in processing: All Users who visits this website, regardless of whether they use the offered services or not at website.

3.2. Legal basis of processing: Act CVIII of 2001 ‘on certain issues of electronic commerce activities and information society services’ (Hereafter Ekertv), § 13/A authorizes Controller to handle information that is technically absolutely necessary to provide services which function as intended. Log files and certain cookies carry out the procession of such data. Chapter for says about log files and You can read about cookies of these below. Consequently, it is the rightful interest of Controller to process data like this, based on GDPR Article 6, Paragraph (1), Point f).

Relying on this legal basis, Controller handles exclusively those types of data that are necessary to ensure a user-friendly operation of website, and works with them only until it is needed. These pieces of information are such technical data which is essential to provide an enjoyable appearance of website, proper and comfortable use of its functions. Data are not forwarded to a third party and are not used for any other purposes. Controller works with service providers indicated in Chapter 14 under in connection with these data. As a result, processing does not have any risks on User’s side, however, using the website properly is not possible without handling data. It is the rightful interest of Controller to operate website properly, as it can only provide its services this way, it is an inevitable condition for its functioning. Consequently, Controller handles information mentioned above in order to fulfil this goal as its rightful interest, and based on which rightful interest – because processing is not high risk for User – Controller limits User’s autonomy to a proportional extent.

We perform visit analysis by collection anonymous data thus there is no need to handle personal data.

3.3. Determining the scope of handled data:

In order to ensure user-friendly browsing the handled data is:

- websites visited during entering website and the order of opening them

- User’s IP address.

We perform visit analysis by collection anonymous data thus there is no need to handle personal data.

3.4. Purpose of processing: to provide a user-friendly and safe operation of the website.

This includes the following:

  1. a) Necessary and functional data processing (‘Indispensable’ and ‘Functional’ categories among pop-up windows):

- Identification of User’s browser device, and remembering identifying data - during browsing time - based on IP address. Surfing the Internet becomes smoother, as without this function, Users would be obliged to identify themselves at each website they visit.

  1. b) Data processing about browsing habits

- Data that is necessary for the following purposes are recorded anonymously, which case they cannot be connected to a person. In this case your personal data is not processed.

In case of your permission (‘Analytics’ is ticked) data is recorded on a way that they are connected to the identification data (IP address) of the device

- Measuring the popularity and frequency of visits at webpages of website and the time spent on webpages in order to shape website to the needs of Users and to learn Users’ main areas of interest.

- Identifying approximate place of User’s device used for browsing, mapping the geographical demand of Controller’s service.

- Identifying website from which User has arrived, in order to provide information about services of other websites that have links to present one, and to be able to get information about topics of User’s interest.

By collecting this kind of data we can monitor and improve the efficiency of our marketing activity while promoting our services.

Controller’s IT system uses the devices of Google Analytics (Google Ireland Ltd.) for collecting data described above. During visiting websites that applies the devices of Google Analytics Google cookies take note of preferences and information indicated by User that also means the recognition of data handled for measuring visits of the website and for mapping searching habits.

  1. c) We don’t do targeted, personalized online marketing.

3.5. Period of processing: Controller handles a part of data for the period of browsing.

Data necessary for the operation of website in a user-friendly way (IP address, order of webpages visited during browsing) is recorded for the duration of browsing session, they are deleted when browsing finishes. Handling of these data is done by our own IT devices, third party does not have any access to them.

We perform visit analysis by collection anonymous data thus there is no need to handle personal data.

3.6. Way of data storing: on separate lists in our information technology system. Data related to providing a user-friendly services (IP-address, the order of sites visited during browsing session) are not stored by us. Pieces of information provided by cookies are stored on User’s device. Cookies that gives data are stores on your device.

3.7. User may get more information about the process of information technology processing and about information technology data processing that is realized by using Google Analytics devices on the website of Google Analytics We use only those functions recommended by Google Analytics which were described above.

3.8. To learn more about informational technology data management made by iSenseLabs: 



  1. Log file registration

Our IT system uses electronic log entry to operate our website. In these log files we store the IP address, the User’s browser type, Internet service provider, date/timestamp, reference- and leaving pages, number of clicks during visiting. It happens so that we could show our website properly on Your device and it makes possible to find the circumstances of the mistake in case of a functional error. With these we can make browsing more stable and secure. It also makes us possible to handle the website and the administration. This data does not make possible to identify any identities and is stored for 30 days.

Further data processing of log files happens among the circumstances described in section 3 in that, visit analysis purpose data processing and usage do not happen with respect to log files.

  1. Using data processors

5.1. We use external service provider for anonymous visit analyzing. As we do not handle personal data during visit analyzing, this external service provider is not a data manager.

5.2. We use the following service provider to collect data for visit analyzes of present website:

Google Ireland Ltd.

Business registration: 11603307

Tax number: IE 6388047V

Residence: Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Postal address: Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Telephone: +353 1 436 1000


We use the following service provider to analyze User’s behavioral of present website


Business registration: 112660079

Residence: Sofia, Bulgaria, professor Georgie Bradistilov street number 4

Postal address: Sofia, Bulgaria, professor Georgie Bradistilov street number 4



5.3. We do not use data processors for any other purposes in relation to cookies or other similar techniques.

This information report contains information about information technological data processing. For the validity of above described data processing and for particular information about data management in concern of other personal data please read the document called ‘Privacy policy’.

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